The UCD School of Psychology on a research project funded by Irish Research Council and Creative Ireland Programme to look into the engagement of children of Muslim background in creative activities in Ireland. Our partners in this project are Poetry Ireland and the Irish Muslim Peace and Reconciliation Council.

We are interested to learn about the parent’s perspective on the engagement of their children in creative activities.

We are hoping to get to talk with parents about their children’s engagement in creative or artistic activities at school or outside school curriculum. The interviews will last 20-30 minutes.

The results of this research will help to inform policies and proposals regarding the enhancement of engagement of children with Muslim background in creative activities in Ireland.

As a Muslim parent, we believe that you have an extensive knowledge in the topic of our research and we would be most grateful if you would agree to share some of your knowledge with us.

We would be delighted if you could participate in this research.

If you would be interested in contributing to the research, please contact us at

More about the research

What is this research about?

The aim of this research is to identify barriers impeding engagement of children of Muslim background in creative activities in Ireland and also provide a framework for enhancement of their engagement informed by national and international practice.

Why are we doing this research?

This research will shed the light on the engagement of children of Muslim background in creative activities. The Muslim community is one of the fast-growing communities in Ireland. However, very little is known about how children of Muslim background get engaged in creative activities. We hope that this research will provide us with essential information on children’s engagement and how it can be facilitated through public action and policies.

Why have you been invited to take part?

You have been invited to participate in this study because you are either a Muslim parent or an art/ creativity educator. We believe that you as a parent or an educator bear important knowledge and experience regarding the engagement of children of Muslim background in creative activities, that will provide an insight to the research community and create a ground for actions and policies to enhance children’s engagement in creative activities.

What will happen if you decide to take part in this research study?

You will be involved in the 45 minutes online interview on your opinion on engagement of the children with Muslim background in creative activities in Ireland.

What are the benefits of taking part in this research study?

The findings of this study will help to identify obstacles to children’s involvement in creative activities and develop necessary steps to facilitate their involvement.

What are the risks of taking part in this research study?

There are no known risks associated with this study. Should you feel uncomfortable at any stage of the interview, you can withdraw at any time without giving any further reason.

Can you change your mind at any stage and withdraw from the study?

Participation in this study is voluntary, and you can choose not to take part or to stop your involvement in this study at any time prior to the time the data is published in a report or an academic paper without any consequences.

How will your data be used and how will your privacy be protected?

The information gathered from the study will be handled in complete confidence. Participants’ data, as well as their confidentiality, are the priority of the researchers carrying out the study. The study audio will be recorded and stored safely, securely, and confidentially on the researchers’ computer. Only researchers in the study will have access to the audio recordings. Your name or any other identifiers will be either anonymised or not be asked or stored at all. Audio recordings will be deleted once they have been transcribed. When the study is finished, the transcribed data will be kept on the Principal Investigator’s computer that is password-protected for 2 years and after that it will be archived according to the university guidelines.

What happens at the end of the study?

At the end of the interview, the information will be used to present findings but the information will be completely anonymised. All audio recordings will be deleted once they have been transcribed.

What if I have more questions or do not understand something.

If you do not understand any aspect of the study or have any further questions, please contact either of the researchers. It is essential that you feel that all the questions have been answered.

What if I change my mind during the study?

Should you feel at any stage that you want to stop being a participant in the interview, you are free to stop and take no further part. There are no consequences for changing your mind about participating in the study.

We would be grateful if you consider participating in this study.
If you are interested to participate, please contact

Dr Zahra Farahani at

to arrange the interview